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My crash course EQMOD ASCOM & Orion Sirius Pro SynScan Hand Controller
Video #21 Orion Synscan Hand Controller for EQ6R-Pro?
Setting up EQMod on an EQ6 mount
Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro Setup With EQMOD ASCOM
EQASCOM: eqascom_run
Stellarium connected to HEQ5 Pro via EQMOD
How to connect the ASIair to an Orion atlas mount with a Synscan hand controller
SkyWatcher EQ6-R Pro Telescope Mount ASCOM DIRECT (EQMOD) without Hand Controller| Astrophotography
Tips & Tricks of the Orion GoTo AZ EQ Hand Controller - Orion Telescopes
Orion Sirius Mount controlled with Skysafari via Bluetooth
Setting up EQMOD/ASCOM for Stellarium/APT/Platesolve Environment